I Have A Fear…..
I Have A Fear….A poem I wrote many years ago in honor and memory of my sweet, sassy, feisty, bright-light Gram. Losing her was my biggest fear. I celebrate her life and the incredible impact she had on mine!
The Night Before The Nest Empties
I have been anticipating this night for many, many years. Our nest has been half empty a few times for several years with the coming and going college years to our oldest leaving for good three years ago. You could say that I’ve been living in a state of anticipatory grief waiting for this moment to come when our youngest bird flies off to start his next chapter and his room is left empty.
How are you? Why is it the go-to question in our society, does the person asking care how I am , do I truly know how I am, and why am I reluctant to answer truthfully if I do know? So many questions from such a basic question.
Raising The Flag of Surrender
While I freely give and care for others and their needs, what I’ve learned throughout these past weeks with Covid giving our family a strong punch, I do not easily ask for or receive help. I long to be more like Mary but if I’m being completely honest I become more of a Martha focusing on everyone else first and neglect myself and time resting at the feet of Jesus.
Anxiety and sadness sure are sneaky! They creep in before we even know they are coming and find a way to settle right in. These are two battles I’ve been facing this past year at a different level than the pre pandemic days. Mental health. The silent and invisible battle that rages on the inside.
Take back your time!
As women we tend to want to be everything to everyone and really put the “I am woman hear me roar” philosophy to the test. By doing this we often push ourselves aside or to the way back of the line.
Lately I have been dealing with a common theme that keeps surfacing. DISTRACTION! Distraction is defined as “a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else”. This isn’t a new theme, although I wish I could say it was. If it were new I’d feel a little better about it. Unfortunately, this is a struggle I’ve been facing for quite a few years. It surfaces and resurfaces!
Pleas for Peace!
I’ve been finding myself pleading for peace lately. It’s a word that keeps surfacing in my thoughts and prayers. “Lord, give me peace”, I plead with Him. “I just want peace.” Peace in my soul. Peace of mind. Peace for our country. Peace for our nation. PEACE! Fear overrides peace.
Seeing through the trees!
The view from the porch included a lot of very tall trees that I could not see through or beyond. Several of those trees were recently cut down to reveal a completely different view. Sitting and admiring the new view got me thinking about how other obstructions put in place by me block my view of seeing what is through and beyond the “trees”. What are my trees?
Give yourself GRACE and A BREAK!
I’ve been a firm believer in setting healthy boundaries both personally and professionally since way back in my social worker days, yet it’s still one of my biggest struggles! Healthy boundaries and self care are super important and often the first things we compromise because ya know…it has to be done, and we are the ones that need to do it (or so we think).
A TRYing Season!
I know I’ve talked about this topic before here. Today it struck me differently. It brought up a joy and excitement that I hadn’t truly felt before when thinking or talking about it. When I thought of figuring out who I am now in this season, it was honestly with more of an angst of what or who I was losing rather than all the amazing things I have to look forward to.
All the feels…and the feels are for real!
This has been one heck of a year (and a 1/2). It’s been full of pain, anxiety, changes, loss, discovery and growth. The “we find strength in our struggles” saying has been put to test and has been proven to be true! In the midst of our struggles it’s hard to see the strength part.
Dear Anxiety, I’ve Got This! God’s Got Me!
Dear Anxiety,
As I sit quietly alone I reflect on your presence in my life. In my thoughts and body. When did you start? Why did you start? How long will you stick around?
I’m a rester….or am I?
This week my hubby and I got away for a week at the beach where we planned zero activities. The only plans we had were to rest, relax and replenish. While doing so I’ve had quite the ah ha moment. Am I really a rester?
Our New Normal: On The Sideline
We clocked many hours on the ball fields and in the bleachers watching from the sidelines as our boys participated in their sporting events. This season feels a lot like those days. except, these days our weekends aren’t full of activities and our sideline isn’t on a ball field.
The Smile That Hides The Fear
So yesterday on Facebook I posted a status and pic that could easily be seen as me full of joy and happiness. That was true in that moment but pics don’t tell the story of the before and after. If I’m being completely honest the before was the complete opposite of joy and happiness and the after wasn’t much better.
Focusing on our Full Nest
Y’all, this season has been hard! I know I’ve said it a bunch of times before but it’s true. Having your nest begin to empty comes with all the feels!
Springing Forward!
How refreshing to see the signs of Spring! A season of rebirth and hope! Winter was accompanied by the desire for snow days to retreat and sleep, while Spring brings energy and new life with the longing to get outside and be active. Just like the weather changes through the seasons, our lives experience seasons as well.