Seeing through the trees!
I clock a lot of hours sitting on my front porch. It is one of my happy places! The view from the porch included a lot of very tall trees that I could not see through or beyond. Several of those trees were recently cut down to reveal a completely different view. Sitting and admiring the new view got me thinking about how other obstructions put in place by me block my view of seeing what is through and beyond the “trees”. What are my trees? Here are a few I can identify at quick glance; fear, doubt, worry, insecurity, uncertainty, lack of trust. I’m sure if I pondered longer, my line of trees could easily become a forest of trees that I allow to block my view.
What happens when I remove my line of trees? I am presented with a whole new view…, hope, security, certainty, trust, and God! I may not be able to see him but He is there! I need to see him in the trees, through the trees and beyond the trees without allowing them to block my view!
The trees that were removed from my neighbor’s yard revealed not one but two houses that I previously couldn’t see because of the obstructed view. Those houses have always been there even though I couldn’t see them! God IS there even when we can’t see Him. There are many things we can’t see beyond the trees but they are there. What trees are changing or obstructing your view? Imagine if those trees were taken down how different the view would be. It was always a possibility to go around the trees to see what was behind them. But seeing through them to what is directly behind them is so much more powerful! To be able to see beyond the trees, the obstructions, the fear, the doubt, the worry, the uncertainty to reveal what has always been there even when I couldn’t see it!
What trees do you need to remove to change your view and reveal what’s through them?
Lord, help me to see through and beyond the trees!
Shine bright,