Take back your time!

As women we tend to want to be everything to everyone and really put the “I am woman hear me roar” philosophy to the test.  By doing this we often push ourselves aside or to the way back of the line. Living a healthy life requires us to put ourselves to the top of our priority list behind God and in front of our spouse, children and others. This may come as a shock to you and sound super selfish. Stick with me for a second. It is a matter of putting your oxygen mask on first so you can help others.

We need to take care of ourselves first to be able to care for others, including our children.  There aren’t a lot of things in life we can control but our time and how we choose to spend it is one of the few things we have some control over. Spend time with God. Rest and be still. Listen. If you go off course, as you will, give yourself grace. Dust yourself off and get back on track. Start and end each day on a positive note, giving thanks for all you have, all you are, and all you are becoming.

I’ve met and talked to a lot of women over the years where there seems to be an overall theme of being overscheduled, stressed, frazzled, and not focused on themselves or their wellbeing. How are you spending your days? Are you in your calendar or are you running around doing for everyone else and squeezing in the last for minutes left in the day for you? Take back your time and put yourself in it! You are a priority!

Women tend to put kids, husbands, activities, work, you name it we put pretty much everything over ourselves. How does that feel? I’m guessing a common answer would be tired and run down. Your very first priority should be the time spent with God. Is He in your calendar?

I challenge you to put some quiet time with God in your schedule. Your day could start off feeling so much more refreshed, renewed, and rested with just ten minutes. How can you get 10 minutes? Set your alarm to wake up 10 minutes earlier. Find a nice, quiet, cozy place in your house or outside. Take that time to read the Bible, a devotion,  meditate, pray, sit in stillness, take a walk. It doesn’t matter what you choose as much as it matters that you take the time to spend connecting with God.

If you are absolutely not a morning person, find a time that works best for you. Start with 10 minutes and chances are you will look for ways to find more time. What have you done for you lately? When is the last time you scheduled something for yourself? Why don’t you do fun things or take time for yourself? Taking time is the best gift you can give to yourself and your family. You know the sayings, “happy wife, happy life” and “if mom’s not happy nobody’s happy”. There is truth to those.

You need to fill your cup before you can pour into others. Find what brings you joy. Do more of that. We can make time or excuses. The choice is yours. Hop off the hamster wheel of the hectic, rushed life and live in it. Be present. If 2020 taught us anything it is the importance of spending time with family unscheduled. Take back your time! You are worth it! 

Shine bright,


