Springing Forward!

After such a long cold dreary winter Spring is coming!! The weather may say otherwise but the signs are there! It is coming! The trees are beginning to bloom. Beautiful flowers are popping out from underneath the worn winter soil. How refreshing to see the signs of Spring! A season of rebirth and hope! Winter was accompanied by the desire for snow days to retreat and sleep, while Spring brings energy and new life with the longing to get outside and be active. Just like the weather changes through the seasons, our lives experience seasons as well. These last few years have been a huge transition season for me, which have felt like THE LONGEST WINTER EVER! I have found myself wanting to retreat and sleep through it. The pain of all that has changed sometimes hit like a ton of bricks. A weight that I have found it hard to dig out from under. With every change comes new feelings and adjustments. I find myself thinking, am I the only one who feels like this in this season? Why aren’t more people sharing their feelings about navigating this season of life? The “kids” are grown and working toward independence, parents are aging and becoming more dependent, and my body is experiencing different change symptoms on the daily. Life is different. But today as I took notice of the signs of Spring I came to a beautiful realization for my life. It is time to Spring forward!!!! To at last let go of the dreariness and tiredness of Winter and move on with the feelings of rebirth with anticipation and hope of the next season and all the seasons to come! Just as it is time for the bear to wake from hibernation, it is time for me to awaken my dreams and all that God has planned for me with a spring in my step. Spring is my most favorite season but even the best season has setbacks. I will give myself grace through them and remind myself that April showers bring May flowers. Just as the flowers emerge from the soil and bloom, I too will grown and bloom!

Shine bright,


Focusing on our Full Nest


A New Year...A New Me