Give yourself GRACE and A BREAK!

There is no better time to put healthy boundaries and self-care practices in place then during these crazy uncertain “COVID days”. I’ve been a firm believer in setting healthy boundaries both personally and professionally since way back in my social worker days, yet it’s still one of my biggest struggles! As a #2 (Enneagram) helper type I want to do and be everything for everyone, the best mom, the best wife, the best friend, the best co-worker, the best….. We all know that doesn’t work and leaves our cup quite empty. Healthy boundaries and self care are super important and often the first things we compromise because ya know…it has to be done, and we are the ones that need to do it (or so we think).

Here are some boundaries and self care practices I try hard to maintain personally and professionally:

  • PRIORITIZE – Does this have to be done right now? Can it wait? What absolutely has to be done now? I can’t do everything. There are sooooo many good things, events, studies, activities, etc. I try to keep margin in my schedule. When I am over scheduled everything suffers, most of all myself, my health and my relationships. Our days will go on as long as we allow them to! Decide how long you will give to the task and stick to it.

  • SAY NO! For a long time I thought no was a bad word or one that required a very good reason/excuse. If it’s not my best yes, then it’s a NO. Pray and ask God for help along the way. Is this meant for me or is this for someone else? I tend to want to take on all the things. Sure I can cook that meal, make that call, give that ride, watch kids……

  • BE PRESENT. Give your attention where you are. Try to stay focused on who/what is in front of you.

  • MAKE LISTS. I’m a sucker for a to do list. Decide in the morning what you will focus on that day. Leave room to veer from your list if something else comes up. It doesn’t have to be a rigid plan just a guide unless it HAS to be done.

Back to #1…prioritize.

  • CUT OUT/LIMIT DISTRACTIONS. Again, I’m a work in progress with this one! Social media and my phone are huge distractions for me. I find the less I’m on them the more focused, present and peaceful my day is.

  • REST! Take care of YOU!!!! Find time to do things for yourself. Doesn’t have to be a lot of time or anything extravagant. A few quiet minutes in the morning, a bath at night, a meditation, reading Bible, a few hours away with the girls, date nights, take a walk, whatever you like to do for you. Get plenty of sleep!

  • STAY HYDRATED! Drink water. This has been a challenge for me for as long as I can remember. I have to remind and almost force myself to drink throughout the day. I always feel better when I do!

These are the things that popped out to me. We are all works in progress. Boundaries are not always kept the way we intend to. My  mental and physical health are great indicators of how well I’m doing or not doing! I’ve gotten better at identifying when things are beginning to unravel and do my best to regroup.

Most importantly…..GIVE YOURSELF GRACE AND A BREAK and know that you are SO LOVED!!!!

Shine bright,


Seeing through the trees!


A TRYing Season!