A New Year...A New Me

As I sit and reflect upon this last year and look toward the New Year it feels different from all the other years. In years past I had so much to say. Posts of inspirational quotes and affirmations filled my FB wall. The anticipation of what I was going to make happen in the New Year filled me with excitement.  I spent days setting goals and dreaming of where I would go. But this year is different. I don’t feel the need to post quotes and affirmations or put my pen to paper outlining all the things I plan on doing. All of those things make me a little uncomfortable now. That was the old me who was full of ME and where I was going and what I was going to do. The new me is full of God and His plans for me! Where He would like me to go. What He would have me do. Whom He will have me meet. There are no goals or rah rahs here! No resolutions but prayers for God to send me my one word. That one word to help me focus less on what I want and more on what He would have me focus on. This year my word is INTENTIONAL. Here are some things I am feeling He wants me to be intentional about in my daily walk.

  • Spending time with Him

  • Doing what He is leading me to do. Being obedient.

  • Being present! Eliminating distractions and focusing on what or who is directly in front of me.

  • LISTEN!!!! Less talking and more listening.

  • Surrounding myself with people who will lift, encourage, teach, and add positive value to my life

  • Lifting and encouraging others

  • LOVING people where they are without trying to change them

  • Taking care of myself and loving myself

  • Serving others

  • Finding joy in the everyday things and spreading joy

  • TRUSTING Him in all situations!

  • Being  true to who I am and whose I am and not apologizing or hiding from the new me

So as I look forward to this New Year it is way less about me and what I think or want and way more about Him and where He will lead me in these coming days. I look forward with hope and anticipation toward the path He will lay out before me and pray for wisdom, discernment, and obedience to be faithful in the journey!

Happy New Year and many blessings to you all!

Shine bright,


Springing Forward!


Time to R.E.S.T.: Release, Enjoy, Surrender, Trust